Featured image of post Annual Lefse Making Meeting November 15, 2020

Annual Lefse Making Meeting November 15, 2020

Every year we make lefse,

Lefse is a traditional soft Norwegian flatbread. It is made with potatoes (often, but not always), flour, butter, and milk or cream. It is cooked on a large, flat griddle. Special tools are used to prepare lefse, including long wooden turning sticks and special rolling pins with deep grooves.

It’s almost like a flour tortilla but softer and tastier and Norwegian!

Consider joining our lodge so you can learn to make lefse and all sorts of other Scandinavian art, food, etc.

Our annual lefse making meeting will be November 15, 2020 at 2:00 PM.

Here’s the recipe we will use,

  • 9 cup hot water
  • 3 sticks butter (2 butter, 1 margarine)
  • 5 tsp. salt
  • 3 Tbsp. sugar
  • 3 cup dried milk
  • 9 cup potato flakes (Idaho or Hungry Jack)
  1. Mix above together real good. I use a mixer. Put in covered rectangular container. Cool overnight.
  2. Divide into thirds. Knead in 1 1/2 cup flour in each 1/3. Then make it into a roll about 2 1/2" diameter.
  3. Cut in half, each half in half, and so on until you have 16 patties (in each 1/3).
  4. Roll and put on grill.

This recipe will make 48 patties.

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